Terms & Conditions

By placing an order with Greaves Design Ltd, you confirm that you are in agreement with  and bound by the terms and conditions below.


The Client: The company or individual requesting the services of Greaves Design Ltd

Greaves Design Ltd: The partners or their employees.

The contract between Greaves Design Ltd and the client will be on these conditions to the  exclusion of all other terms and conditions. Any variations to these conditions shall have no effect unless agreed in writing.

These terms apply to each user and/or visitor to the Website and/or customers of the Company and are governed by English law. Information on this Website is the property of the Company. The materials contained in this site are protected by copyright law. The contents of the Website are available to any user and/or visitor for personal reference only and may not be reproduced in any manner whatsoever either in whole or in part without the prior written permission of the Company or its representatives.

The Company reserves the right in its absolute discretion:

(a) to add to or remove any material from the Website or to amend, alter, redesign or change anything contained in or on it at any time; and

(b) to monitor, suspend, revoke, or otherwise limit access to the Website at any time.

The use of this Website is at the visitor’s or user’s own personal risk. The Company does not warrant the content, accuracy or veracity of any material or other information on the Website nor does it warrant that the Website is free from errors, faults, viruses or other computer or data-corrupting or data-damaging material.

The Website contains links to other sites or addresses on the web. External sites are not part of the Website and do not belong to the Company. The Company does not approve or endorse other website’s nor is it responsible for their content.

Descriptions of, or references to products, services or publications within the Website do not constitute or imply their endorsement or recommendation in any way by the Company, its employees or contractors. No reference in the Website to any specific product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, shall be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes.

Whilst every endeavour will be made to ensure that the website and any scripts or programs are free of errors, Greaves Design Ltd cannot accept responsibility for any losses incurred due to malfunction, the website or any part of it.

The web server, website, graphics and any programming code remain the property of Greaves Design Ltd until all outstanding accounts are paid in full.

Greaves Design Ltd cannot take responsibility for any copyright infringements caused by materials submitted by the client. We reserve the right to refuse any material of a copyrighted nature unless adequate proof is given of permission to use such material.

Any additions to the brief will be carried out at the discretion of Greaves Design Ltd and where no charge is made by Greaves Design Ltd for such additions, Greaves Design Ltd accept no responsibility to ensure such additions are error free and reserve the right to charge an according amount for any correction to these or further additions.

The client agrees to make available as soon as is reasonably possible to Greaves Design Ltd all materials required to complete the site.

Greaves Design Ltd will not be liable for costs incurred, compensation or loss of earnings due to the failure to meet agreed deadlines.

Greaves Design Ltd will not be liable for any costs incurred, compensation or loss of earnings due to the work carried out on behalf of the client or any of the clients appointed agents

Greaves Design Ltd will not be liable for any costs incurred, compensation or loss of earnings due to the unavailability of the site, its servers, software or any material provided by its agents.

Greaves Design Ltd cannot take responsibility for any losses incurred by the use of any software created for the client. Whilst every care has been taken to ensure products are problem free and accurate, the ultimate responsibility lies with the client in ensuring that all software is functioning correctly before use.

The client is expected to test fully any application or programming relating to a site developed by Greaves Design Ltd before being made generally available for use. Where “bugs”, errors or other issues are found after the site is live.

Greaves Design Ltd will endeavour (but is not obliged to) to correct these issues to meet the standards of function outlined in the brief.

Whilst Greaves Design Ltd offers hosting of website’s, no guarantees can be made as to the availability or interruption of this service by Greaves Design Ltd cannot accept liability for losses caused by the unavailability, malfunction or interruption of this service.

Greaves Design Ltd reserve the right to refuse to handle in any way, material which may be deemed offensive, illegal or in any way controversial, and also to terminate the hosting service should the necessity arise. Fees relating to web hosting or domain names must be paid prior to the expiration date of the said service. If the fees remain unpaid at the time of expiration, we will with immediate effect, cancel said service and any data held by said service will be removed. If a cancelled service is to be reinstated at the client’s request, a setup fee will be payable before any such reinstatement and any data lost as a result of the cancellation will not necessarily be restored.

Domain names which are registered by Greaves Design Ltd will be registered to the client and their address. The client will be the legal owner of the domain and they request to move away at any point after they have paid the initial cost.

Greaves Design Ltd will do this within reasonable time. All costs involved in detail changes of domain transfers shall be met by the client.

It is the responsibility of the client to renew their domain names when due. If a domain name expires. Greaves Design Ltd cannot be held liable for this. However, Greaves Design Ltd will make reasonable effort to contact the client regarding domain renewal.

When a client renews “hosting” with Greaves Design Ltd Ltd, this also includes domain renewal if the renewal is needed to keep the site functioning and was purchased as part of the hosting package. If the client does not renew the hosting, their domain name could be made available to the public for purchase and Greaves Design Ltd cannot be held liable for this.

Whilst Greaves Design Ltd recommends hosting companies to host website’s, no guarantees can be made as to the availability or interruption of this service by

Greaves Design Ltd cannot accept liability for losses caused by the unavailability, malfunction or interruption of this service, or for loss of turnover, sales, revenue, profits or indirect, consequential or special loss.

The hosting renewal charge must be received prior to the hosting expiry date. We reserve the right to deactivate any website where the hosting has expired and the client has not paid the renewal charge. There will be an admin fee set by Greaves Design Ltd for reactivating the website / hosting.

If the client does not use Greaves Design Ltd hosting services then the management and hosting of the domain name are the full responsibility of the client.

Renewal of “hosting” is due on a yearly basis. The date of renewal will be annually from the date the website was ordered by the client. The “hosting” will not be renewed if we cannot contact the customer or the customer requests for us to not host this site.

If a domain name is purchased by the client through a company other than Greaves Design Ltd Ltd, the client has full responsibility in making sure that the domain name is renewed when due. Greaves Design Ltd will not renew the domain name when annual hosting renewal is due if the domain name is purchased through a company other than Greaves Design Ltd Ltd.

Greaves Design Ltd will host the website on receipt of full payment of our hosting fees. In doing so we will endeavour to provide a reliable and professional service to the client at all times but do not guarantee that the website hosting will be available at all times, especially in the event of a technical failure beyond our control. If client is offered hosting with any package this is offered free of charge, no charge has been added to your web design order. If clients are misbehaving including abusive emails and telephone calls, or requesting functionality which we do not offer Greaves Design Ltd has the right to not host a site, or terminate hosting without giving notice.

All website’s are configured to work on our server. Any clients wishing to use other servers will be responsible for having it configured so that it can be used on server of their choice. Pom

Greaves Design Ltd reserve the right to refuse or suspend service to clients whose websites would breach our ethical policy or provide services contrary to the laws of The United Kingdom. Should attempts be made to mislead Greaves Design Ltd of the nature of services offered by the website the full quoted cost of the project must be paid by the client. Specifics of our ethical policy can be provided on request by emailing enquiries@greavesdesign.co.uk

Payment of Accounts

A deposit is required from a new client before any work is carried out. All down payments and deposits received are non refundable. In all cases, website hosting fees and any costs incurred by Greaves Design Ltd on behalf of the client are payable in advance and are non-refundable.

Deposit payments for website development and design services are excluded from the Distance Selling Regulation due to them being tailored specifically for The Clients requirements and due to administration costs associated with initiating a project on behalf of The Client.

It is Greaves Design Ltd’s’ policy that any outstanding accounts for work carried out by Greaves Design Ltd or its affiliates are required to be paid in full, no later than 30 days from the date of the invoice unless by prior arrangement with Greaves Design Ltd. If accounts are not settled or Greaves Design Ltd have not been contacted regarding the delay, access to the related website may be denied. Fees relating to web hosting or domain names must be paid prior to the expiration date of the said service. If the fees remain unpaid at the time of expiration, we will with immediate effect, cancel said service and any data held by said service will be removed. If a cancelled service is to be reinstated at the client’s request, a setup fee will be payable before any such reinstatement and any data lost as a result of the cancellation will not necessarily be resolved.

Greaves Design Ltd will only commence work on design after 40% payment has been made of the quoted project fee from the client, once the quoted project has been completed the remaining balance becomes due with immediate effect. Unless otherwise agreed by Greaves Design Ltd, the clients website will not be made live on their selected domain until the agreed account balance is paid in full. Additionally website’s will not be transferred to 3rd party hosting providers until the agreed balance is paid in full unless otherwise agreed to by Greaves Design Ltd. Greaves Design Ltd reserve the right to remove website’s and supporting files if the client breaches any terms relating to the aforementioned individual agreements.

It is important that the website is not in any way illegal. Greaves Design Ltd shall expect the client to carry out sufficient research before proceeding with a website. This will include checking that the website / idea / business will operate legally within UK law.

Greaves Design Ltd will not be liable or become involved in any disputes between the site owner and their clients and cannot be held responsible for any wrongdoing on the part of a site owner.

Greaves Design Ltd reserve the right to decide whether a refund is applicable if requested by the client for any reason. A refund is not guaranteed by Greaves Design Ltd Ltd.

Greaves Design Ltd cannot be held responsible for problems or additional costs arising due to any errors made by third parties, or failure to maintain a current copy of your own website.

Images purchased by Greaves Design Ltd on behalf of the client are strictly for use on the website only. Greaves Design Ltd are not liable for misuse of these images by the client or any other person/s copying, altering or distributing the images to individuals or other organisations.

Greaves Design Ltd cannot be held responsible for anything adversely affecting the client’s business operation, sales, or profitability that they might claim is a result of a service offered by Greaves Design Ltd.

Where we have been asked to provide search engine optimisation for a client, we do not guarantee any specific placement or high ranking on search engines.

Greaves Design Ltd will provide the client with an expected project completion date (live on the internet) if requested. We will endeavour to meet any given deadline but we do not guarantee and are not bound in any way to complete the project by this date. Greaves Design Ltd will not be liable for costs incurred, compensation or loss of earnings due to the failure to meet agreed deadlines.

Greaves Design Ltd will not be liable for any costs incurred, compensation or loss of earnings due to the work carried out on behalf of the client or any of the clients appointed agents.

It is the clients responsibility to check with Greaves Design Ltd that open source software is being used or not.

Where applications or sites are developed on servers not recommended by Greaves Design Ltd, the client is expected to provide or seek any information, additional software, support or co-operation pertaining to the server required in order for the application to be correctly developed. Where large applications are to be developed, it is the clients responsibility to provide a suitable testing environment which is identical to the final production environment.

We do not charge customers for open source software. If there is a charge for a website using open source software, you are paying for the installation time. Open source software is not owned by Greaves Design Ltd or our client.

There is an immediate cessation of all current and future warranties where a client has requested from us anything that results in passing the control of a website from Greaves Design Ltd to the client. This results in Greaves Design Ltd losing control of the website and changes could be made by the client or their agents. Loss of control by Greaves Design Ltd can take place if FTP codes and or source codes have been passed to the client. This loss of control can occur in other situations such as where the client has requested placing the website onto a sever of their choice and not Greaves Design Ltd Ltd’s server. Under any of these circumstance(s) which results in loss of control by Greaves Design Ltd then there shall be absolutely no future warranty and this also revokes all undertakings of past warranties.

All images displayed on the client’s website will only be used after authorisation by the client and are the sole responsibility of the client regarding usage and copyright. Should any legal issues or claims arise from the content or copyright of any images supplied by the client OR Greaves Design Ltd Ltd, they will be the sole responsibility of the client.

Greaves Design Ltd has no control of, or responsibility for, the content of our client’s web sites. In no way does the textual or image based content of our client’s web sites constitute Greaves Design Ltd endorsement, or approval of the web site or the material contained within the web site. Greaves Design Ltd has not verified any of the materials, images or information contained within our client’s web sites and is not responsible for the content or performance of these sites or for the client’s transactions with them. Greaves Design Ltd d provides links or references to our client’s website’s solely for the convenience of prospective customers and intends that the links it provides be current and accurate, but we do not guarantee or warrant that such links will point to the intended client site at all times.

The client must supply all information requested in writing by Greaves Design Ltd within two months from the date of this request. If the client fails to supply this information in writing then the website project can be terminated by Greaves Design Ltd and all monies paid may not be refunded. If content is not received within stipulated time by Greaves Design Ltd the quote given to the client can be increased or the project cancelled at the discretion of Greaves Design Ltd.

Greaves Design Ltd are not liable for loss, damage or corruption to files or information stored on our servers or individual PC’s relating to a client’s website. The client is solely responsible for any information or files relating to their website.

The Company reserves the right to revise and amend an initial quote to a customer where needed.

Unless otherwise explicitly agreed and stated, the Company’s responsibility is limited to designing customers’ website’s and excludes the update, use, altering, maintenance, troubleshooting etc. of the customer’s website/s once online. The Company reserves the right to request additional payment to cover any or all of such work and/or to refuse to undertake such work.

The Company uses customers’ material e.g. text, information, photos etc to design customers’ website’s. The Company is not responsible for these materials. The use of these website’s is at the visitor’s or user’s own personal risk. The Company does not warrant the content, accuracy or veracity of any material or other information on the customers’ website’s nor does it warrant that these website’s are free from errors, faults, viruses or other computer or data-corrupting or data-damaging material.

Descriptions of, or references to information, products, services or publications within the customers’ website’s do not constitute or imply their endorsement or recommendation in any way by the Company, its employees or contractors.


To the maximum extent permitted by law the Company excludes liability for any loss, claim, damages or any special, consequential, exemplary or punitive damages (whether directly or indirectly incurred) of any kind arising out of or in connection with any visitor’s or user’s access to, or use of the Website, or any material thereon, whether based in contract, tort or whether negligent or otherwise, even if the Company has been advised of the possibility of such damage.

Greaves Design Ltd

Tel: 01403 856016
Mob: 07977 507231
E-mail: info@greavesdesign.co.uk

Company No: 07210442
VAT Reg: 120 4999 16

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